Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wash Day @ 37 weeks post

Hey people! !

I was feeling my hair yesterday. I re roded it Thursday night with Aunt Jackie's Curl La La. I went to sleep on my satin pillow, no bonnet I wasn't feeling good. All I did was spray so Amla Refresher in my hand and raked it thru my hair. Babbby my curls were layed like I don't know what.

Anyway here's how today's wash day went.

Did a overnight pre poo first spray my hair with my homemade spritz, sealing it with jamaican black castor oil, and then covering that with Ynobe shop's Pre poo treat.

I also clarified today with Giovanni's Tea Tree Treat Invigorating shampoo 2x to make sure I got all of the product build up I got from the flaxseed gel. Rinsed out in lukewarm water. When I finished my hair felt nice and stripped from everything. Giving the deep conditioner a clean and fresh area to penetrate.

Then I sprayed my hair with CCs Naturals Hair Tea. (I store it in the refrigerator until wash day) Let that sit for about 2-3 minutes. Then covered that with Aubrey's Organic Balancing Conditioner.  Leaving it on for about 5 minutes. Rinsed out in cool water.

Deep conditioned with a another sample, but I detangled first like the direction said to. This one's from 3 sister's called Once a Week Nourishing Treatment. Okay first impression, I'm not really feeling it. It was okay not a big wow factor. I will try it one more time before I give it a final assessment.

After that I applied a little I CCs Leave in. Then grease my scalp with Your Natural Hair's Green Goop. (Review coming soon) Then applied a little more Leave in. Spritz my hair with Duafe Naturals Amla Refresher to soften up my hair and to give it a little more moisture before I rodded it. I then used CCs Lavender Flaxseed gel to style my hair with the rods.

I'm loving that my wash days are not long and drawn out with show extra attention to specific areas. I no longer see split ends, I have found staples that work with softening my hair and also give me great slip so that I'm not ripping out my hair in my detangling process. I'm very proud of my hair on how it's doing through my transitioning journey!!


  1. i'm wondering how do you like the aubrey organics gpb conditioner...?
    did you use it only as a rinse outconditioner or as a deep conditioner,too?
    i think i will gave the brand a try since their condish have double purpose...

  2. I believe I did a mini review in my last wash day post!! I used it as a rinse out, pre poo, and deep conditioner too. Each way has giving me amazing results. I absolutely love it!!!

    1. ah,i've missed this. will check out your review ;)
