Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wash day @ 9 weeks post

I have come to realize that I have bottles just sitting on my shelf that I use a couple of times and just like looking at them. Time for me to do a clean out stash of things I'm just letting sit and make way for restocking staples! Project clean stash begins! Black Friday is around the corner and need to know what is on my list and what is not!

Let's get to it:

I pre pooed this week with Hairveda Moist Condition 24-7. I gave this a try as a co wash during the week and my hair felt so moist that I had to see what other way I can use it. The directions say use it as a rinse out & DC so I will be trying that next. Rinsed out with cool water.

Cleansed with Jessicurls Hair Cleansing Cream 2x. This bottle is the same one that I had from a swap earlier this year. I thought it was a little left to do just one last wash. But nope I can do one more.

I made some more hair tea but whilst in the mist of cleaning I forgot all about the tea in the sink until today! So I did my usual conditioner rinse with Aubreys GPB balancing conditioner. I left this on for about 4-5 minutes while I scrubbed out the tube. Rinsed with warmer water to open my hair cuticles.

Deep conditioned with Blue Roze Beauty Strawberry Hibiscus Deep Conditioner. I used this with a cap on and went outside for a little bit to work up some heat. This was left on for about 2 hours. I used every last drop of this conditioner and gladly can say this is my first used up product in my stash. Yay! Rinsed out with cold water.

For leave ins I used Shea Moisture Moisture Retention. Sealed with my oil mixture and to define my curls I used my diy flaxseed gel. I have very soft second day hair with this mixture but yesterday my hard had a slight hardness to it.

How was your wash day? Also what is on your Black Friday list? 

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