
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Random Spotlight: Simple Living Soaps

Hey guys

It has been a while since I did a Random Spotlight so I'm really happy to be bring you this one. I met Mrs. Marcy in my product swap group on Facebook. Through out our whole conversation she was extremely polite and very attentive. Her soaps are beautifully crafted and serve alternative purposes. Simple Living Soaps has also been featured in a few subscription boxes if your subscription junkie you might have already tried a sample. 
I had the opportunity to ask Mrs. Marcy a few questions and here's how it went:

1. When and where was your company established?
Simple Living Soaps was established in Las Vegas NV of 2010. 

2.What was the reason and/or inspiration to start this line?
I started this journey with making  laundry detergent. I stopped a cashier in the store and asked her was the price of tide good for the oz amount and she said she wasn't sure she made her own. I asked her what she used. Light bulbs bells and whistles went off I can do this myself too.  I kept coming across natural soap, deodorant and other skin care product on my quest for a recipe to make detergent.

3.Why body care?

I chose skin care because I loved knowing that I can change my way of life and it would show immediately through my skin. At the time I was learning how to make laundry detergent my grandson was born and my daughter could not put anything on his skin that would not cause him to welt. And I had to have surgery on my armpit from a cyst. I began to study how to make natural soaps through lots of failed batches I finally found success. 

4. Are you natural?  If so why, how long, and please tell me about your journey?
I have been natural through transition for one year. At the half way point I had to rethink the journey and realized it was best for me my hair and health. This is new to me and I am loving the new head of hair that I am still getting to know. I always say I have been a relaxed American from 8 years old now I'm natural and loving it.
Fruit Loop 5oz Bar of Soap
5. What advice can you given to our readers beginning the hair journey?
When starting a new hair journey I just say to be patient you and your hair are just getting to know each other. Be open to try new products to find the perfect one for you. Lastly don't be afraid to try to mix a little yourself.
6. When starting your business whats was you biggest obstacle?
My biggest obstacle is taking a leap on faith and still is also not taking it personal when my product is not for someone. What is not good for some is great for others. 

7. What is your target goal?         
My target goal is to open a Shop and to supply wholesale

8. Is there anything else you would like the readers to know?
I must really thank my family and friend for letting me give them product and trusting that I wouldn't burn their skin or make their hair fall out. But mostly Victoria Vick of Cream & Coco tho I've never met her nor have heard her voice after finding her on Instagram without knowing her magnitude she took the time out to challenge me to sell at my local Farmers Market within 2 weeks I did and it has turned into the most amazing journey.
Pink Sugar Sugar Girly Bar
I really enjoyed this interview with Mrs. Marcy! I hope that you guys will take the time to visit her site and check out your soaps for yourself. Don't forget to like her facebook page for more updates.


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