
Friday, March 22, 2013

Un-boxing The March Anniversary Curlkit

Hey guys
Let me till you guys. I told you all that recently moved earlier this month. I had already did my change of address a week before I left and even took the extra steps by going to sites I know I receive stuff from and change my address manual.  So when I seen post and videos going up of people already getting the box I started to wonder where was mines. I then proceeded to track my box. Once I tracked my box it said it was at my old address post office sitting. I became upset because it was just sitting and not being transferred or nothing. I called the post office and sat on the phone with them for about an hour trying to understand why my mail was not forwarded. This is my hard earned money they messing with and I was highly upset. All they could do was apologize for the inconvenience.
But anyway today the post man meet me at my car with my box. So today is a good day. Again I was happy with another heavy box. It wasn't much of a surprise to me because I already seen people un boxing the Curlkit. So here's what I received:

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