
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Staple misplace!!

So I ran out of suave volumizing conditioner on my last co-wash day which was Wednesday. I even added water to the bottle shook it up to get that last bit of creaminess running thru my hair. After a month and so of using it, and then afterwards using my Joico daily balancing conditioner which I fell in love with. The suave gave my hair soft thickness and the Joico gave my hair a lovely detangling slip. I was happy, until today when I'm searching everywhere for my conditioner and it's no where to be found. Everywhere is having a sale on suave products but just not the one I need. I live in Baltimore, Maryland so we have a flea market that is pack with home essentials for your every need.I find a vendor that has everything except my suave conditioner and I start browsing. I get a Giovanni tea tree triple treat invigorating shampoo 8.5 FL oz and Renpure Organics I love my hair 13.5 FL oz that I got both for 2$ each, can you say a steal!!!
I thought things were going good. I got me another all natural conditioner to substitute my suave's for right now, until I get home and take me a closer look. My Renpure Organics is a shampoo. Things just seemed to go from bad to worst. I have 2 good protein and thickening shampoos. I even tried to stop at Marshall and see what I can grab, but again I turn up empty handed. So now I have to put my wash day off to Sunday when I get home after I try again tomorrow. I am determined and I will not give up. ;-)
Just wanted to tell you guys how my day went. Thanks for reading!!

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